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steep drop

美 [stiːp drɑːp]英 [stiːp drɒp]
  • 陡直的下落
steep dropsteep drop
  1. Effect of Hearing Aids on the Steep Drop Type of Sensorineural Hearing Loss


  2. It is a beautiful white rock , but a steep drop into the ocean .


  3. Another study of New Year 's resolutions shows a steep drop off in how long they 're kept up .


  4. In theory , the steep drop in its market value should make Lehman a more attractive takeover target .


  5. The result was a steep drop in discretionary consumer spending and a halt to lending .


  6. The muted increase was partly explained by a steep drop in the dollar value of China 's euro assets .


  7. With a steep drop of the literature creative environment , literature varied and struggled to make some breakthrough in constraint .


  8. But the steep drop in oil prices meant growers should still have comfortable margins this year , he added .


  9. In Washington , politicians know that a steep drop in oil prices would kill off many of its domestic oil and gas producers .


  10. Those jobless claims were down 10 percent from the week before , that 's a pretty steep drop .


  11. But I actually think the recent performances of pharmaceuticals companies has hidden a steep drop in the share prices of many other companies .


  12. As can be seen , the greatest sensitivity is at20hz with a steep drop off at higher and lower frequencies .


  13. What Does " Black Friday " Mean ?── An Analysis of the Steep Drop of the Stock Market in the U. S. A and Its Consequence


  14. Developing Asian economies are likely to grow by an average of 3.4 percent in 2009 , a steep drop from last year 's growth of 6.3 percent .


  15. The steep drop in net income was due in part to a $ 72 million build in credit reserves needed to cover all the new loans made during the year .


  16. The surprise findings triggered a steep drop in the use of combination therapy and recommendations to employ lower dosages of the hormones for the shortest possible time .


  17. However , the pace at which it is cooling accelerated sharply in September and October , prompting a steep drop in confidence among companies and some consumers .


  18. Similarly , consumers have gotten a big boost recently from the steep drop in gas prices since the summer . That is expected to lift holiday retail sales this month .


  19. The steep drop in oil and natural-gas prices already has had a dramatic effect on companies that are smaller and have a weaker financial position than the global oil titans .


  20. So many of our friends have decided to leave that the American Embassy School - this city 's great expat institution - is facing a steep drop in admissions next fall .


  21. Costs in the oil and gas industry have begun to fall for the first time this decade , bolstering the profits of companies hit by the steep drop in the price of crude .


  22. The Intel corporation , the semiconductor maker , lowered its profit forecast for its first quarter , blaming a steep drop in prices for memory chips for the shortfall .


  23. Global Bio-Chem 's woes come as China 's north-east struggles with a triple-whammy of falling oil and coal prices , poor returns in the grains industry and a steep drop in property investment .


  24. At that share price the company is valued at about $ 5.3bn , a steep drop from a market capitalisation of more than $ 41bn just three years ago .


  25. The surprisingly steep drop in demand suggests the housing market is entering its worst phase on record and underlines the risk to economic growth from falling home prices and declining activity in the sector .


  26. The mobile gaming kingpin 's new titles apparently failed to generate sufficient cash to cover the " unexpectedly " steep drop in revenue from its maturing Candy Crush franchise .


  27. The world 's miners , already smarting from a steep drop in iron ore prices , are about to be hit by a Chinese ban on low-quality coal that comes into effect next year .


  28. The steep drop in oil prices has impacted countries such as Congo , Equatorial Guinea , Gabon and Nigeria , where it generates more than half of all revenues .


  29. The surprisingly steep drop ─ IDC called it the worst since it began releasing quarterly numbers for the software in 1994 ─ caused a selloff in PC-related stocks Thursday .


  30. S.arm of SolarWorld AG , one of Germany 's largest solar product manufacturers , which shut down a California plant earlier this year due to a steep drop in solar panel prices .
